197-years of living | 78-years of Active Duty Military Service |
a singular sense of Duty, Honor, and Commitment
197-years of living | 78-years of Active Duty Military Service |
a singular sense of Duty, Honor, and Commitment
Pittstown, NJ | 57-years old Major, U.S. Army (retired) | 31-years service FAMILY | Wife, Mia | 2 Children | 2 Grandchildren | Henry Hissinger the Cat RANGER | 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment COMBAT DEPLOYMENTS | Panama | Afghanistan | Iraq FOND OF: jumping out of perfectly sound aircraft | kayaking | mountaineering | scuba | family (mostly) | his ranger community | The Phillies | a good hoagie | Chickie's and Pete's Crabby Fries NOT SO FOND OF: 12-mile road marches in southern GA | duck | lima beans (if you know, you know) WHY HE IS ROWING: Roy had heard the disheartening statement '22 a day' often. The statement was referencing the number of veteran suicides happening in this country each day. While attending a summit with fellow rangers, the 'real' numbers were revealed to be double that '22' and something clicked in him. Roy became determined to be part of the movement to help shift the paradigm by raising awareness and money to allow aligned programs and charities to reach more veterans in need hopefully decreasing those numbers drastically. |
JERE HARTMAN (Fitness and Well-being Advisor)
CHATTANOOGA TN | 48-YEARS OLD Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army (retired) | 20-years service FAMILY | Parents, Nancy & Larry | Sister, Lisa | Cooper the Dog RANGER | 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment COMBAT DEPLOYMENTS: IRAQ FOND OF coaching crossfit | woodworking | fly fishing | my amazing parents | his ranger community | the mountains | Clumpie’s ice cream | a table covered in blue crabs NOT SO FOND OF sand gnats | seriously sand gnats | word documents | bad knees WHY HE IS RACING To help spread the word about mental health in the veteran community. I have had more friends than i would like to count lose their battle to suicide. A mentor and friend Ryan Dillingham told me “it's ok to get help”. After hearing those words i realized so many veterans are afraid to seek the help they need to overcome their demons. I want to show others who might be broken on the inside that they are fixable and it’s okay to ask for help. That is why i am rowing. |
MICHAEL KENDALL (External Relations and Networking Genius)
CLARKSVILLE, TN | 54-years old Master Sergeant, U.S. Army (retired) | 21-years service FAMILY | Wife, Summer | 3 children | 2 grandchildren RANGER | 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment SPECIAL FORCES | 10th Special Forces Group COMBAT DEPLOYMENTS | Kuwait | Bosnia | Kosovo | Europe | Afghanistan FOND OF: traveling & experiencing unique cultures & cuisines with his wife | outdoor adventures with my dogs | kayaking | hiking | diving | gardening & canning his own pickles | making both wine & beer | bad dad jokes. NOT SO FOND OF: cheese | anything requiring him to be in cold water | complainers | cheap beer WHY HE IS RACING: Michael has always enjoyed a challenge, and when asked to take on this endeavor with three former fellow 1/75 Rangers to raise money for mental health and awareness, he could not resist the opportunity. Although he has always loved kayaking and boating, he is very aware this undertaking of rowing the Pacific will be like no other he has ever attempted. He is grateful for the full support of his wife, three children and two grandchildren; even if they all might think he’s a little bit crazy. |
Harrisburg, IL | 38-years old Specialist, U.S. Army | 6-years service FAMILY | Wife, Ashley | 2 Children | 2 Dogs | 1 Cat | 1 Hedghog | 1 Rabit | 7 Chickens Signal corps | B Co. 16th Special Troops Battalion COMBAT DEPLOYMENTS | Iraq FOND OF: Driving anything with wheels | Computers | Donor Kabab | Germany | My Wife | Monsters NOT SO FOND OF: Mustard | Mushrooms | "Uneducated" Drivers WHY HE IS ROWING: Sean is rowing in the World’s Toughest Row to show that hanging up the uniform doesn’t mean the adventure has to end. He wants to inspire his fellow veterans to realize that life after service can still be filled with purpose and meaningful challenges. By rowing across the ocean, Sean is demonstrating that veterans are capable of great things, even beyond their military careers. This journey isn’t just about personal accomplishment for him; it’s about encouraging others to continue pushing boundaries and finding new ways to make an impact long after their service ends. |
our awesome behind-the-scenes team
megan schauer (social media manager)
Chattanooga, TN | 22-Years old Family: Parents, Jill & Dean | Siblings, Jacob & Madison | Cat children, Juno & Gretel Fond of: Traveling | Hiking | Crafting | Spending time with family (animals included) | thrifting | over decorating for the holidays Not so fond of: Speeches | burpees |spaghetti | bad drivers Why: Megan is deeply passionate about creative content creation and was honored to assist a remarkable group of individuals in achieving their goal (in her own words). Megan believes their accomplishment will not only inspire others but also bring attention to a cause Megan believes is both crucial and often overlooked. |